I recently met Nick Burke riding at a contest i through at the westfield skatepark. After that we became friends and i have shared the privilege of riding with him. He shows a true love a devotion for pedaling his bicycle. Hes got a super great outlook on everything, always down to ride bikes and just kills whatever he touches. Hes a straight up dude and will defiantly make a name for himself in the bmx world. -Corey Sampson
Nick Burke, 17 years of age, and currently living in Granby Mass
Favorite spot traveled to?
Favorite spot traveled to?
Boston Mass and Albany NY because both had many great spots and i went there with a crew full of good tricks and funny antics.
Your Favorite top 3 local spots
10Holyoke mass, there is so many spots and every time we go there we do something new or find many new spots!
2) Umass Amherst, the campus has everything you would want to ride and the campus police are pretty down on us riding, i don't think i've ever been kicked out.
3) Belchertown mass, i pretty much learned everything there and thats where i started riding my bike. From the skatepark to the schools across the street to the manual pads!
Your Favorite top 3 local spots
10Holyoke mass, there is so many spots and every time we go there we do something new or find many new spots!
2) Umass Amherst, the campus has everything you would want to ride and the campus police are pretty down on us riding, i don't think i've ever been kicked out.
3) Belchertown mass, i pretty much learned everything there and thats where i started riding my bike. From the skatepark to the schools across the street to the manual pads!
How long have you been riding for?
I've been riding since i was still with training wheels haha but riding and taking it seriously since i was 12 so around 5 years
What got you into BMX?
When I was 12 my cousins would make dirt jumps and pretty much have me test them out and hit them first. The thing they didn't know.. was i actually liked hitting them and learning from my falls.
When I was 12 my cousins would make dirt jumps and pretty much have me test them out and hit them first. The thing they didn't know.. was i actually liked hitting them and learning from my falls.
I like how not many people but you do nose tricks. what got you into those?
Way back at the Belchertown skatepark I would watch my buddy Joe Alos try hang 5's and that sparked my interest in nose tricks.
Any outside hobbies other then BMX?
Way back at the Belchertown skatepark I would watch my buddy Joe Alos try hang 5's and that sparked my interest in nose tricks.
Any outside hobbies other then BMX?
I don't really have that many hobbies outside of bmx since i work almost everyday, i do push around the skateboard sometimes and chill with friends. I am a professional Ramen noodle cooker also...
What took you into street riding insted of trails or park?
I got into street riding because there is so many things to ride and you can have fun on something as little as a curb or manual pad. You can ride around and find so many spots and if you have ever found a sweet spot before, you know the feeling... it's amazing.
I got into street riding because there is so many things to ride and you can have fun on something as little as a curb or manual pad. You can ride around and find so many spots and if you have ever found a sweet spot before, you know the feeling... it's amazing.
Whats your favorite trick?
My favorite trick would have to be... either hang 5's or anything on a perfect 7 stair rail, its hard to choose a favorite trick.
Solo session or with friends or contests?
My favorite trick would have to be... either hang 5's or anything on a perfect 7 stair rail, its hard to choose a favorite trick.
Solo session or with friends or contests?
I like riding with a decent sized crew. I haven't really been riding with too many people because many of the kids either quit, have a really bad attitude or no respect at all.
What do you listen to when you ride?
I haven't listened to anything while i have been riding lately, but i usually listen to some brutal shit or some old good rap.
I haven't listened to anything while i have been riding lately, but i usually listen to some brutal shit or some old good rap.
Who is your idol?
hm...i can't really think of any idols i look or have looked up too, i guess i don't have any
Where do you get your parts from?
hm...i can't really think of any idols i look or have looked up too, i guess i don't have any
Where do you get your parts from?
I get all my parts from a one of a kind bike shop, Full Circle bike shop! Ran by a great guy that still shreds and is stoked on any kid that is having fun riding a bike! Support your local bike shop!