Thursday, January 9, 2014


Time to go to Cranx! We have set a date for Sunday, Feb 16th. Cost is $80.
Helmets required.
Waiver needs to be downloaded and signed and stamped by a Public Notary, just like RYE. If you are 18 and over, just bring ID saying so. 
Because its ONLY bikes, your bike must be somewhat taken apart so we can be assured that they all fit on the bus.  Pedals off, handlebars off and strapped to the frame, front wheel off... I know its a pain in the ass, but its the ONLY way to get 55 bikes on a bus!
I think you can buy food there.
Bring a pillow for the bus.
This will NOT be an overnighter.  Bus will leave the shop at 6am and be back by 9pm.
More to follow...


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